Solar Selections has many avenues for Financing Commercial Solar Projects. Please contact Solar Selections to explore these further or click here.
If you require finance for a Residential Installation, Solar Selections has the following suggestions:
The first option to consider for property owners is to include the cost of the solar power system in their mortgage repayments. The typical cost of a domestic installation (£4,500 to £8,000) would impact relatively lightly upon the overall mortgage figure/repayment structure and the savings from the system would outweigh these significantly. Ask your Solar Selections Broker for advice on this or feel free to contact your bank/mortgage institution for an appraisal of this possibility.
To provide additional financial incentive, the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is set to launch the Green Deal in August of 2012. Solar Selections can explain the intricacies of this approach which essentially uses the savings you make from solar pv installations and other renewable upgrades to the home to pay for the initial investment amounts. For more details ask a Solar Selections Broker by contacting us from the form on your right.
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SW18 4AW, United Kingdom
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